This Commission by our Lord is our Evangelical Purpose that supersedes all other purposes.
We exist for the Lord's Mission Purpose.
We have come together in a Synodical federation, fellowship, and association of Evangelical Lutheran congregations and pastors of a Centrist, Biblical, Confessional, Evangelical, Liturgical, Traditional, Congregational Polity, and High view of the Office of Ministry minus hierarchy orientation for the following purposes:
- To develop and maintain a roster of like minded "Centrist" Lutheran pastors from which "Centrist" congregations and ministries may seek qualified and trained persons for Official Call.
- To develop and maintain a roster of "Centrist" congregations holding to a common corpus of doctrine and parish practice to which Centrist Lutheran pastors might submit their names as vacancies arise.
- To provide for the Biblical, Theological, Confessional, and Practical training leading to the ordination into Word and Sacrament ministry of qualified candidates.
- To produce publications, Liturgical and educational materials adhering to the Centrist Lutheran stance for use by member congregations and member pastors.
- To assist in the establishment and planning of new Missions by the member congregations and pastors at home and abroad for the furtherance of Christ's kingdom.
- To develop unanimous consensus in light of Holy Scripture and in light of the Lutheran Confessional writings regarding understandings and positions held and taken by this Synodical federation, fellowship and association known as ELCM.
- To provide for fellowship and learning opportunities among member congregations and member pastors of this Centrist Lutheran Body.
- To engage in conversations from our Centrist Lutheran perspective with other Lutheran Christians and with Christians of other traditions to the end that Consensus in Light of Scripture and the Lutheran Confessional writings might be achieved by the Grace of God and the working of His Holy Spirit.
- To prepare a list of recommended Benevolences for circulation among the congregations and pastors of this Centrist Lutheran Body.
- To provide a means of governance whereby which member congregations and pastors might receive guidance and advise as needs arise.